Regional Training:
MWPCP regional training courses are intended for all wetland professions. The two day courses are typically split into a regulatory day (with an emphasis on implementing the WCA) and a technical day (with an emphasis on the 3 parameters of wetland delineation). The second day typically culminates in a field exercise. Class tuition for regional training classes is $50 per day.
Mankato Armory, Mankato - May 25-26 (6 CEC per day)
This two day course will cover the wetland banking review process (including “road banks”), replacement plans, Local Government Road Wetland Replacement Program (LGRWRP) project reviews, and ditch maintenance. Day two will be a wetland delineation refresher on ag land (including offsite methods interpretation) with an emphasis on critical definitions, completing and interpreting soil data sheets , plant ID, and a discussion on the correlation of soil units & plant communities.