BOARD Members 

President: Cailin Phillips | Vice President: Shanna Saarela-Schultz

Treasurer: Alyssa Core | Secretary: Maddie Maurer

Event & Speaker Coordinator: Kelsey White

Website Editor: Reed Fox

Audio/Visual Coordinator: Curt Kleist

Bookkeeper and Knower of Everything: Jane Zirbes

BWSR Liaison: Ben Meyer

Board Bios

Photo of Cailin on a ridge looking out over a mountain range.


Cailin Phillips


Employer/Position: Northeast Technical Services (NTS), Wetland Scientist/ Environmental Field Scientist

Personal Quirk/Fun Fact: I am an avid outdoors woman and have been involved with archery since I was 6 years old.

Favorite Memory Related to Wetlands: Watching a beautiful 200lb, 10 point buck leap over a stream I was working in, just 10 yards away.

Shanna Saarela-Schultz


Shanna Saarela-Schultz


Employer/Position: AMI Consulting Engineers/Senior Environmental Specialist

Personal Quirk/Fun Fact: I am a huge bird nerd and love bird watching. Sometimes I even get distracted by birds when I’m supposed to be doing other field work. I have four small pet parrots, three chickens, and my tattoo is even bird-related!

Favorite Memory/Experience Related to Wetlands: Being followed by an entire herd of very friendly and curious cows while delineating wetlands in the farm fields of central Wisconsin. They kept trying to eat my backpack while I worked. It was like having my very own wetland delineation entourage!


Madeline Maurer


Employer/Position: Bolton & Menk Inc./ Natural Resources Technician

Personal Quirk/Fun Fact: I am a hobbyist orchard & vineyard fruit farmer and beekeeper located in Bay City, Wisconsin.

Favorite memory/experience related to wetlands: Hiking around the Adirondacks, finding a patch of Twinflowers (Linnaea borealis) on the edge of a wetland.


Alyssa Core


Employer/Position: MN Board of Water and Soils Resources/ Wetland Specialist

Personal Quirk/Fun Fact: I saw my first wild wolf on a hike back from the Sea Caves in northern Wisconsin. It was dusk, so there were only 3 of us still out on the ice and we were in awe of seeing it.

Favorite Memory Related to Wetlands: Paddling with my cousin in the Bark Bay Slough SNA in Wisconsin and nerding out on bog plants and bird watching.

Event & Speaker Coordinator

Kelsey White


Employer/Position: Rice Creek Watershed District, Permit Review Technician

Personal Quirk/Fun Fact: I have taken multiple river trips and a Boundary Waters trip using a stand-up paddle board.

Favorite Memory Related to Wetlands: Assisting with Floristic Quality Assessments in the Red Lake Peatland and Pine Island State Forest areas.

Picture of Curt in a wetland holding equipment.

Audio & Visual Coordinator

Curt Kleist


Employer/Position: CK Wetland Services, Inc., Principal Wetland Scientist/CEO

Personal Quirk/Fun Fact: Nicknamed the “swamp goat”, due to intense field pace.

Favorite Memory Related to Wetlands: Conducting weekly aerial wetland classifications along the gulf coast from 500’ above.

Website Editor

Reed Fox


Employer/Position: Northeast Technical Services (NTS), Programmer/Environmental Field Scientist

Personal Quirk/Fun Fact: I ride the line between outdoors enthusiast and indoors computer geek very closely.

Favorite memory/experience related to wetlands: Being able to finally find and identify native Minnesotan sundew and pitcher plants with my own eyes for the first time.