When: Wednesday, November 8th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Forum starts at 2:30 with refreshments available at 2:00.
Where: In Person and Online
Training Room at REI Bloomington, 750 W American Blvd; Bloomington, MN 55420
(Head to shoe section at back of store at take a right to double doors)
Link: https://wetlandprofessionalsassociationinc-721.my.webex.com/wetlandprofessionalsassociationinc-721.my/j.php?
Meeting number: 2630 902 6348
Meeting password: CxhWV8wRy92
Join by phone: 1-650-479-3208
Access Code: 2630 902 6348
Description: Tim Smith of Aquic Wetland and Stream Mitigation Strategies will discuss how wetland and stream bank sponsors can manage the first two phases of the agency review process to reduce uncertainty in the overall schedule and position a project for a more streamlined review in subsequent phases.
Speaker: Tim Smith, Aquic Wetland and Stream Mitigation Strategies
MWPCP Credits: 1.5 hours in person (if attending at REI or 1.5 hours online)