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MnDNR MCN: Rich Fen/Wet Meadow Restoration and Rare Plant Rescue

This tour is part of an emerging Metro Conservation Network (MCN) program that is being developed by the Minnesota DNR. The field trips are open to anyone to attend for free, but space is limited.

Location: Wollan Park

Description:  We will discuss the natural history of the Anoka Sand Plain, rare wetland flora, and restoration of the Wollan Park rich fen/wet meadow. The site was once dominated by reed canary grass but management activities including prescribed fire have allowed the suppressed native seed bank to recover. The Wollan Park wetland mitigation bank is now serving as an important recipient site for rare plant rescues from nearby developments. We will explore the in situ rare plant populations and supporting wetland habitats restored within the park and the rare plant rescue experimental plots recently established here.  The new Anoka Sand Plain Rare Plant Rescue initiative will also be discussed.

Ecosystem: Rich fen/wet meadow

Tour Guides: Anoka Conservation District, Critical Connections Ecological Services and MN Landscape Arboretum staff

Contact: Carrie Taylor,, 763-434-2030 x190

September 1

September WPA Forum

September 24

September WPA Field Trip