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April Forum- click for more information

Topic: BWSR 101 & Major Wetland Program Updates

When: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 from 2:00 - 4:30 PM

Where: REI Bloomington, 750 American Blvd. W, Bloomington, MN 55420 (952) 884-4315

The Forum will be held in the REI Conference Room

Cost: Free for Current Members of the Wetland Professionals Association

$30 for Nonmembers and $10 for students (both include a 1-year WPA membership)

Agenda: 2:00-2:30 Registration, Cookies, Coffee, and Conversation

2:30-3:30 Presentation

3:30-4:30 Q&A and Discussion

Forum Topic: Please join us for a presentation from Ken Powell, Wetland Conservation Act (WCA)

Operations Coordinator, on the role BWSR plays in Minnesota and some timely updates on the Wetland

Delineator Certification Program, Clean Water Act Section 404 Assumption, In Lieu Fee Program, wetland

banking, WCA rulemaking, and more.


Ken Powell, Wetland Conservation Act Operations Coordinator

Ken is the WCA Operations Coordinator at BWSR and has been in that position for the last 3 years. He has

been with BWSR for 12 years, previously as a Senior Wetland Specialist and Wetland Banking Coordinator.

Prior to that he was the WCA LGU for the Rice Creek Watershed District for 3 years and a private wetland

consultant for 10 years. He has degrees in Biology (M.S.) and Wildlife (B.S.).

WDCP Credits: 2 Indirect

PWS Credits: 2 hours

March 6

March Forum

May 1

May Forum- click for more information